
Documentation for KeywordCalls.

@kwalias f [
    alpha => a
    beta => b

declare that for the function f, we should consider alpha to be an alias for a, and beta to be an alias for b. In a call, the names will be mapped accordingly as a pre-processing step.

@kwcall f(b,a,c=0)

Declares that any call f(::NamedTuple{N}) with sort(N) == (:a,:b,:c) should be dispatched to the method already defined on f(::NamedTuple{(:b,:a,:c)})

Note that in the example @kwcall f(b,a,c=0), the macro checks for existence of f(::NamedTuple) and f(; kwargs...) methods, and only creates new ones if these don't already exist.

@kwstruct Foo(b,a,c)

Equivalent to @kwcall Foo(b,a,c) plus a definition

Foo(nt::NamedTuple{(:b, :a, :c), T}) where {T} = Foo{(:b, :a, :c), T}(nt)

Note that this assumes existence of a Foo struct of the form

Foo{N,T} [<: SomeAbstractTypeIfYouLike]
    someFieldName :: NamedTuple{N,T}

NOTE: Default values (as in @kwcall) currently do not work for @kwstruct. They can work at the REPL, but this seems to be because of a world age issue. This feature may be supported again in a future release.
